I was offended by this same bullshit and banter a while ago in another thread here, and expressed it to little effect ...my fondness for the man aside ,this really do get long in the tooth after a time.

We are born different ,no say to it...learning to accept it makes us all better people,there's no doubt to that.

But this pelt who seems to feel its his goal in life to pick away at King's character at every post is beyond tiresome ,we all feel were ultimately right about something like mine is the best gun ,best dog ,best woman ,best religion, car,truck ,bird ground ... the list could be practically endless.
And I'm sure we have all had times where we thought someone else was ultimately wrong about something,and no doubt others have felt the same about us ,whether we realized it or not...but never has anyone every spoke to me in this manner ,nor would I shame myself into doing the same .

Although I've yet to shake his hand, King was in town with his wife a few months ago ,and wasn't able to drop by...but he was fine enough a gentleman to go through the trouble and look up my phone number for a quick chat and apology for not having the time .
He could have just as easily had a cup of tea and went to bed ,why bother with someone you don't really know?