Delivery aside, don't the comments stem from actual quotes. Since he was brought up, a fellow like nca was probably 'called out' because he said he got vd from another posters daughter, not because he had a comment on an issue.

King's more a representative to me. Proactively pushing the progressive agenda rather than just having an opinion. Has many intolerant comments about faith, republicans, conservatives, etc, but gladly plays with the cover of pc and civility. I think he ain't a half bad pot stirrer.

Still, if I ran into King some day, I'd shake his hand and introduce myself. Promised him I'd buy his adventure book if he puts one out, but I might not read it. I think he'd understand, with so much in this world and so little time to do it that it wouldn't be a bid deal if kumbaya didn't spring forth and we moved on our merry way.