Originally Posted By: craigd
Delivery aside, don't the comments stem from actual quotes. Since he was brought up, a fellow like nca was probably 'called out' because he said he got vd from another posters daughter, not because he had a comment on an issue.

Nca saying he got vd from someones daughter was reprehensible and cant be condoned. I recall cringing at it when I read it. I also cringed at some of the comments directed to nca before he dropped the vd-daughter bomb. The line of decency and good taste had long been crossed by both parties before that comment. The calling out of nca occurred in the Militias thread (p18) back in December before the daughter got dragged into this if the Militia thread is an accurate representation and hasnt been edited. The two participants had a longstanding history. Im glad hes gone. My hope is that someone else would learn to be more civil and stop feeling the need to be the insultomatic or Forums Name-Caller-in-Chief.. He writes well and makes sense on a lot of topics. His writing is post graduate but his name calling penchant is grade school at best. He just cant seem to help himself.
Here are some of the lowlights of the Militia thread in order of appearance. Ironically, Last Dollar started the thread. I am sorry LD left the forum. He could no longer tolerate board conduct. The two participants in the exchange below may have deserved each other, but none of us deserved this to appear in our forum and it was locked by Dave. I dont see the daughter-vd reference. Maybe it was in a different thread or was removed but I recall reading it and wouldnt want it said about my daughter. But then, who would want any of the below said about themselves?
306835 keith
They would have to invent a 5-F classification which would mean you couldn't even be a blood donor because of your HIV and tertiary syphillis damaged brain.
Oh, I see you're still all excited about your new Straw Man Equation which you apparently found in your last issue of Ladies Home Journal. I don't need any gay pulp DNC formula to pick apart a short bus window licker like you.
I do like the fact that we finally flushed you out of the closet on both your gay sexual orientation
Nca 306844
And really Keith, calling me gay is refreshing coming from a republican. How's your new rehabilitation counselor at LIFE treating you? The last one lost her job when she couldn't hold in her anger at being assigned to you. Have you accepted it was wrong for you to try to take over NAMBLA leadership let alone just being a member? Do you hate yourself for being like Mark Foley? Well, I wish you the worst of luck in your long slow road to rehabilitation
keith 306853
. And you seem to think that every other able bodied man is this country is a pussy like you. That must come from the gay company you keep. You are a quisling coward.
There is another way to communicate with me nca225. If you ever get to Pa., just PM me and we can arrange to meet. Then you can say whatever you'd like right to my face. I have no plans to come to Maine in the near future because I work for a living, but if anything changes, I'll let you know, pussy.
keith 306855
No nca225, I'm not from Allentown, but I could be in a couple hours. Are you going there? I haven't read anything about any Gay Pride Parades in Allentown. But then, I don't follow those things like you do.

Last edited by GLS; 09/15/13 10:18 AM. Reason: partial retraction