Doug, Whether you like it or not, I would have said the same thing for you, if it had occurred. j0e and I have had differences and I have stuck up for him. I've also pissed him off. There's just no call for rude and ungentlemanly behavior.
Fortunately it's not just me who feels the same way. It doesn't take long for this person to get sideways with folks and start the name calling. I won't be the last.

Take a look at the rules for misfires and tell me if you can honestly say the "debate" has been in the spirit or black letter of Dave's rules:
"Tirades and banters permitted so long as they remain cordial with no profanity, racial slurs and or other aggressive behavior towards groups or individuals. Threats, and or overt aggression and or stupidity will not be tolerated. No pornography or discussions of a sexual nature"
Thanks. Gil

PS: The obit is in the nature of "can you believe this?" rather than a silent double obit. I guess you could characterize one of his girl friends as a Double, however wink