I hope I'm not erring in retrospect, Doug. We disagree on many things but I don't recall any of your comments as unfair, mischievous or careless about other members. Almost certainly none about me.

Maybe a remark touching on ageism from another pilot but that was easy to hoist aboard as pilot/builder of my hot Bushmaster, nearly 60 years of flying. You'd be as pleased about that as I am about your activities.

Opinions, fair criticism are to be valued. They measure our prejudices, thinking and experience. Praise is always welcome but "I love your writing" or "I love what you do with guns" won't make us better writers or master gunsmiths.

I am grateful to Gil for reminding us of why we're here. The response has been positive. I am grateful to all for that.

Last edited by King Brown; 09/14/13 11:30 AM.