As I spent 16 hours at work today, then spent the rest of the evening at a Yom Kippur dinner, and have to work at least 12 hours tomorrow, this will be brief. For now.

I can't help but notice that GLS's reply totally ignored several salient points in my initial response to him. This is so very familiar... from guys like Gnomoron, homer, nca225, Dave-in Maine, and perhaps most notably, King Brown. If I've left anyone guilty out of this mix of defty deceptive liberals, it was not intentional. GLS seems to be aligning himself with the cream of the crop here.

You GLS, all of you, seem to use the same playbook. I do a lot of calling bullshit here. GLS seems to wish to dishonestly convert some of that into alleged physical threats, but no matter how he twists my words, it ain't true. He did answer that lie with another lie. That's not going to work.

He has dissected my posts in his own internet sleuthing, incorrectly accused me of possibly editing or removing posts from the Militia thread, but still chooses to almost entirely ignore nca225's words that prompted ever escalating replies. As Doug says, maybe he should stay out of the kitchen if he couldn't stand the heat.

He tells us that he "cringed" at the post where slimeball nca dragged my daughter into it with his filthy VD comments, yet there is the glaring hypocrisy that he didn't advise me or my daughter to pursue lawsuits to punish nca with monetary damages and loss of time defending litigation. I know GLS certainly would not want that said about his daughter, but he remained totally silent until yesterday and took special pains to illustrate my "debate" with that scum coward... yet he totally ignored the atomic bomb with collateral damage that nca dropped. He remembered it but chose to ignore it. Nice. And you libtards wonder why I have less respect for you than a plague carrying rat?

That disgusting little glossing over of the facts was only exceeded by King, a man with 3 daughters of his own, suggesting that I should forgive nca225. I did not know King had daughters at the time, and thought he was an idiot for even suggesting that, but I was apalled when I saw that he did have daughters. I still shake my head. This came from the guy who frequently brought up Mitt Romney's and Republican's alleged misogyny and disrespect for women. You can't make THIS STUFF up!

GLS seems to be mixing me up with someone who posted pictures of nca225. Wrong again! If I didn't know better, I'd guess that GLS and nca225 have consulted and consoled each other. I'm sure he'll say that was an honest mistake. I don't think it was a mistake. I think it was an attempt to malign and damage my name and reputation. Wonder if he has any free legal advice for me?

GLS, in the same sentence, also takes another shot at me for "treasuring my anonymity", but has not yet given us his full name. What gives? The dance of the Gnomoron continues... swing your partners nca and King... promenade...dosey doe.

GLS has not acknowledged that King Brown frequently makes statements which are dishonest and false, which precipitate very frequent, though usually milder responses from other participants besides myself... all of which King either ignores or pretends to misconstrue. GLS has not said a word about King's filthy lie last week where he alleged that I dishonored his father. Let's just dance around that one too. He knows full well he did that only to deflect my continued calling bullshit of the lie he told pertaining to his father's conversion and baptism. It's obvious he's been following all of this, which he purports to find so very distasteful, with voyeuristic glee. GLS seems to think that someone who does these things is "a gentleman with class". But as I said, he's not alone. Several here would rather have a beer with a liar than one who vehemently calls bullshit. I personally don't see the attraction, but there's no accounting for tastes. And I'd rather drink with someone honest who doesn't fear his own tongue. He also does not advise me to seek legal remedy for King's dishonest reputation damaging allegation... even though I would never seek a tort remedy to handle a liar. He knows damn well that I opined several times that by all accounts, King's father was quite a decent guy. He also knows damn good and well that I stated numerous times that King did indeed work for the CBC, and I was merely observing that he was inflating his resume by aligning himself with the stars and heavyweights of that network. I too advised anyone who doubted what I said to do some searching for themselves.

I wish to thank GLS for complementing my writing. I think he writes very well too, but dishonest statements, evasive manuevering, and abject hypocrisy really diminishes his style.

Finally, I wish to thank Doug for his kind words. I do not exaggerate when I say he is a class act and as honest a guy as you'll find here. Blunt, fair, honest... I do respect that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.