Originally Posted By: GLS

....the kids squabbling and calling each other names. I dont know how other parents feel, but at some point I didnt give a damn who said what to whom or who started what. Internet squabbling is in the same league....

....It needed to stop and hopefully it will. I pointed it out and now have become the lightening rod for the same behavior....

.....There are two extremes of forum moderation: none and tight-fisted. Misfires is closer to none. Most moderation here is self-imposed. Some can do it and do it well. King chose to moderate his conduct and not participate in the slimefest....

....One doesnt have to look beyond this thread to understand my point. Some will understand what I mean; others may not which is okay. This was no isolated incident nor has King been the only one to suffer the slings and arrows of character assassination by others on this board. Often it has been over political differences, sometimes it has not been. It has been pointed out that the other participant didnt post photos of Nca. That is correct. It was done by other parties and I retract the statement....

A bit disappointing, equivocating what seems to be sage advice that started the discussion with sibling squabbles.

What's interesting to me is becoming the victim. Someone is 'called out' and that person gives the effort to respond in detail. Only one point, photos, is selected for acknowledgement and the rest is dismissed as uncivil and undeserved bolts of lightening.

It might(?) be possible that character could be called into question if two are conversing and one breaks off the issues. Nothing wrong with figuring I'm done with the issue, but not answering by changing the subject means the 'discussion' continues with new territory introduced.

Seems to me like civility is starting to mean stir the pot. Kind of a generic statement, but so many of the forum righteous who took Rooks' side use all and more of the character assassination words.