I post a lot here in misfires. I am Canadian, so have different specific issues than the majority here with regards to protecting my right to continue to own and use firearms. I live in a country that is, despite some hard won gains, vastly more restrictive of gun ownership than the US.

I am sure most who post and read here know what I think. I advocate for the endless battle against firearm restrictions of any sort because I believe there is no such thing as reaching a compromise position with the anti-gunners. They conduct an incremental war, using every trick, ethical and otherwise, and think in terms not of years or decades but generations. Because of that I believe we should allow them no quarter, no compromise, no "sensible" measure. Because that is not what will satisfy them.

What I advocate for, with regards to gun rights, is that the government and the "left" piss off and go chase real criminals.

Most involved here will also know that I advocate for a civil discussion.

I completely get Keith's point. I get why Doug, Craig, Jim and others support Keith and what he has been doing with regard to King. However, at some point Keith, I would ask, to what benefit are you aiming for now? Keeping the record straight? Calling King to account? Stopping the rest of us from believing the misinformation?

We are all adults here. I would suggest none of what King (or Gnomon, nca or any of the other "liberals") say here is going to change either our minds or our actions. King won't "lull" me and he won't lull most others here.

If what you are aiming for is a Misfires where just four or five politically like-minded individuals post, well, that's different than what I look for. I'd like a lively exchange of ideas, where foolish and inaccurate ones are thrown out for discussion and derided as much as good ones are lauded. But not an all out assault on one person that never ends. It is now like the knight in the classic Monty Python skit, endlessly challenging for a duel. You have killed his horse, cut off his limbs, taken away his weapons. Should you continue just because he keeps asking for it?

I like having nca, gnomon, King and others post here, if only to remind myself of just how silly and deluded they can be on certain subjects. Because I know there are other subjects on which they may have something to offer. I like to be reminded BY EXPOSURE how wrong they are on subjects dear, like arms control. Hell, if it was just us talking, we might forget the importance of supporting the NRA and other organizations that aim to protect our property rights.

As enjoyable as it may be, conversing only with those who entirely agree with us, lessens our chances of learning something valuable.

Last edited by canvasback; 09/15/13 04:03 PM. Reason: spelling

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia