Originally Posted By: canvasback
....During the course of many of these threads the subject of religion has come up....
....Each believer believes profoundly in their own faith.

I don't. None of them have evidence that I accept as being true. Myths. Made up by man for man's purposes.

Do I call them all liars or fools? No I don't. Do I think they are trying to trick me. No I don't. I accept that part of the challenge of living a good life is accepting that others can choose to believe what they want....

....I respect the right of others to disagree.

I disagree, but that's not why I'm commenting. You have a position. So be it, and more power to another who can make a pro Christianity case.

What I do notice is that you did not bring up pedophilia, misogyny, or some bastardization of religion. You have a position, but didn't bring up some anecdote about joe blow down the street who's an insincere believer, and vigorously pass it off as fact.