Jim, I know what you think. I have no problem with anyone "outing" a gun grabber. Frankly, if they post here on misfires, they will out themselves over time. But I don't believe that is what is going on with Keith and King anymore. At some point it morphed into something else.

As far as them "stifling" us here.... I just don't believe any of them think they will "stifle" us. They may be foolish enough to think that they can trick us, fool us or convert us but that doesn't bother me. Just as it has never bothered me, in fact I have enjoyed it, when I have debated with friends about their religious beliefs, be they Jewish, Mormon, Anglican, RC, Muslim or something else. I don't need to silence them to know I am correct. Just as the smart ones know they don't need to silence me to know they are correct.

I'm not interested in the tyranny of the majority, here or anywhere. I will never demand Keith stop. I won't call him wrong. I would never complain to Dave, about him or anyone else here. I believe in free speech. Good and bad, slanderous and complimentary. Don't like it, get out. All that jazz.

But I also want someplace that I can go and hang with like minded people. That's why I came here in the first place. Doubles, dogs, hunting. I believe everyone who has signed up here enjoys some version of those things. They also may be misguided supporters of Obama and enemies of the 2cd amendment but for me, that's okay. When they talk about those things here, their ignorance will show.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia