Getting my boy ready for school this morning so don't really have time to respond except to say Keith, you didn't disappoint. Good morning reading with my coffee.

I thought it last night but you reminded me....J.R.B.'s response to my question was both hilarious and I think probably more representative of our readers here than the likelihood of someone reading and deciding they too must support the erosion of their 2cd amendment rights.

Hopefully jOe or John Cox or whatever his name is will stay out of this one. I think he has his hands full elsewhere but I did like your reminder of Dave and the $10

The occupants of my dream garage grow ever scarcer. The re-aquisition of favorites from my past (and for some reason the sweet spot of 1972) like a yellow Pantera, a red V12 E-type convertible, a black 240Z and others like my gold Camaro as described earlier or a Volvo 544 from 1963 are getting pushed aside by things like the cost of divorce and the love of old doubles. But those vehicles lurk in my mind much like jOe in the for sale section, and they won't go away. One day, I will have to act.

Have a great day all, and remember Keith, you long ago accomplished your goal with King. As far as others asking you to stop, for that is the essence of this thread, where did you get the idea life should be fair or even handed? Perhaps some of the posts here have not recognized the imbalance, are hypocritical in calling you out at this point but glossing over the sins of others. I'd suggest a big "So what?" That is because you clearly have the upper hand in the debate, if I can call it that, with King.

I go back to my Monty Python reference. Ride away and leave him flopping around on the ground. King, his ideas and his stories are no threat to anyone here (same holds true for the rest) or anything we believe in. Just because you can demolish his stories, his logic, his positions, doesn't mean you should EVERY TIME. Maybe just pick your favorite every couple of months to keep your hand in. I truly think that's what most of us are saying or thinking (Doug, Jim and Craig aside).

And finally, thanks to all for keeping it civil! HaHa!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia