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GLS #338206 09/15/13 10:53 PM
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Craig, would you not agree we have made derogatory comments here about those who support Obama? That don't support gun rights?

Of course they are purposeful. They think they are right. Just as we think we are right. That's what it means to differ! That doesnt mean they cant be misguided and wrong. I wouldn't have them behave any other way.

Now I'm going to sleep, secure in the knowledge I will wake to a lengthy post from Keith, eviscerating my posts of today. And as always, I will enjoy reading it. I hope he didn't work too hard today. I want his best effort. Stay thirsty my friends. Lol

Last edited by canvasback; 09/15/13 11:13 PM. Reason: Grammar

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia
GLS #338209 09/16/13 05:14 AM
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James, no evisceration for you my friend, for we are both on the same side. I note however that we have diverged lately in the way we approach the same things. I was not even going to post tonite to answer the many comments that appeared since last night but I don't want to disappoint you.

You said earlier that you actually miss nca225, Gnomoron, homer, etc. because you enjoyed debating them to the point of letting them expose themselves and even making fools of themselves. I for one, felt they were trying to make fools of us, and nobody gets away with ever trying to make a fool of me. Different strokes. Others here feel the same even if they aren't quite as vociferous as me. I knew from our conversations that you and nca225 even had sidebar conversations outside of this forum, and I told you then that I thought you were wasting your time debating with an agenda driven liar. So it came to pass with The King and I. Turning up the heat seemed to be a good way to make him understand that no longer would he get away with underhanded insults and outright lies. Most folks back away from being exposed and pull back, but King pathologically doubled down and even went to the extreme of recently saying that I had dishonored his father. Now the liar was calling me a liar in order to create a shield for his previous lies. Should I have just let it go? What do you call a filthy lie... a little fib? A mistake? A blurb from an elderly "gentleman with class"? I call a spade a spade and am castigated for it. Somehow, I will try to survive without crying. Exposing the sheer hypocrisy and dishonesty has been theraputic for my shattered psyche!

I said on a number of occasions that King always held the power to make me stop sharing my opinions. I didn't force him to keep telling lies and hurling laser guided barbs and insults while pretending to be civil by not naming names. He did that himself.

I'll ask you, and GLS this: Is it worse to call someone who really IS a lier, especially when it becomes a personal reputation damaging lie, a "filthy liar"... or is it worse to call someone who IS NOT a racist, bigot, liar, or mysogynist a racist, bigot, liar or mysogynist?

Even if you twist logic and go to the extreme position of saying that neither line should ever be crossed in polite company, then how do you create a new thread which only attacks the first position as GLS has done? I said that this is hypocritical. For pointing out the obvious, GLS now feels some transference where he has become the victim. I say if the shoe fits, wear it. If the shoe is uncomfortable, switch shoes. He has not switched shoes yet.

Originally Posted By: craigd
What's interesting to me is becoming the victim. Someone is 'called out' and that person gives the effort to respond in detail. Only one point, photos, is selected for acknowledgement and the rest is dismissed as uncivil and undeserved bolts of lightening.

Above are a few pertinent sentences from craigd's concise yet astute post on pg. 4. Some here should go back and re-read all of it. Obviously, craigd has in the past noticed that, while not ad hominum, these laser guided attacks by King and now GLS are very obvious and just as egregious as one that names names. GLS has posted about a "participant" who attended a Yom Kippur dinner. "Participant"??? Cut the crap GLS. You know you meant me, so be a man and say it. This whole thread is pointed at me so just cut the crap. You are not being civil by not calling me out directly by name. You're not fooling anyone. That's the game King plays. What's next, telling the lie that says I put words in your mouth and then pretending to ignore me as King has done?Well maybe you are fooling yourself and the guys who think King is a gentleman with class. I call it bullshit.

You know why... because it is bullshit. So don't expect me to call it a rose just because GLS suddenly has become selectively hypersensitive,

craigd also again points out, as I have, that GLS only responded to one point... the non-existant photos of nca225... and ignored everthing else I said in my short post last night. I meant for it to be short because I was very tired, but I took the time to answer each charge and point out each lie and hypocritical position I saw in his previous post. I noted that he had not responded to those from my initial post, but merely did the Liberals Dance of the Gnomoron. The Dance continues. As I shut down the computer and finally went to bed, I realized that most of that post was wasted on him because he'd ignore it and change the subject. Turns out I was right again. But the audience can see the hypocrisy and that makes it all worthwhile.

GLS sees irony in that I went to a Yom Kippur dinner which is Jewish New Year and a day of atonement and forgiveness. I am not Jewish, but I have many Jewish friends, and have attended Temple services, Bar Mitzvahs, etc. I am Catholic, which is how I knew that King lied about the circumstance of his father's conversion as an adult. I can forgive GLS for his lie where he said I posted pictures of nca225 if he's sorry and asking for forgiveness. He gave a curt acknowledgement that he was wrong and stands corrected. But I guess we'll just dance around everything else. He still remains anonymous after criticizing me for just using my first name. He must think we won't notice this "attack" on my behavior while hypocritically ignoring, and then glossing over worse attacks on my daughter by nca225. I might even forgive nca225... when hell freezes over.

So does GLS want atonement from me while ignoring the slings, arrows, outright lies, and hypocrisy of others including himself? Sorry, that's not going to happen, and I won't be turning the proverbial cheek either. Not, at least, until I see similar behavior from the other side. I'm not a pushover or a fool. Nor am I intimidated or worried that my words will mean the eventual destruction of the whole DoubleGun BBS. That's a big steaming pile too. He says he's tired of internet insults and is now going to take up his bat and swing from his toes. Without realizing it, now he is saying just what I have said, and plans on doing just what I have done. Just as he has become tired of name calling, I became tired of repeated unanswered lies and agenda driven liberal bullshit that was often aimed at weakening our 2nd Amendment Rights. I certainly was not just talking to a half dozen guys who generally agree with me. There have been 1078 views of this thread to date while only maybe a dozen have posted comments. But instead of naming names and calling names, he is going to advise frivilous retaliatory litigation as revenge and hypocritical one-sided criticism. If anyone disagrees or offers compelling proof of hypocrisy, he'll just ignore that and do the dance. I have never been shy about declaring which side of the aisle I'm on. GLS has shown us he has aligned himself with the Gnomorons, homers, nca225's, King's, and cpa's of the world. I'm fine with where I am at. He will predictably be in denial and try to avoid declaring where he's at. We are different, GLS and I.

One last thing James... I am not an Evangelist out to convert you, but I'd like you to consider, as I think King's Dad might have considered in his final years... that you are special. You are not here to live a random life which came from nothing, and then die and become worm food. You have a mind and a soul which will go on after your body is dust. Just the fact that you have the miracle of thought and the gift of reasoning should be all the proof you need to realize this is not a mere myth. When you are alone in the dark woods and dawn wakes up the world, are you just another chickadee instinctively searching for calories to survive another cold night, or are you a special part of God's creation with God-given capacitity to appreciate the wonderment of it all? For me, as a child, this was just faith. But the more science I know, the more I see and read, the more I know this to be true. From your Paleobiology class, you will learn that billions of species have come and gone extinct over billions of years, and only yours can even begin to appreciate this. You may hear the term, Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. I heard it in nearly every biology class I took. But only man has a soul. I'm sure I'll never begin understand it all in this life for "the machinery of the world is much too complex for the simplicity of men."

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

GLS #338211 09/16/13 06:15 AM
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You guys ever do LSD ?

J.R.B. #338212 09/16/13 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted By: J.R.B.
Originally Posted By: canvasback

Please, an open question to all readers of this posting here or PM me if you wish your name kept out of the limelight, someone please tell me if any post or thread here in Misfires has caused you to change your outlook on gun regulations.

After reading all the lull and fluff our libtards call compromise it turned me into an even more hard core, conservative, son of a bi+ch than I was before.

+1 J.R.B., But aren't you worried that you might miss out on a grouse recipe or classic muscle car being put up for sale by an urban libtard?

Sorry canvasback... I couldn't resist. If I ever see that '67 Camaro, I'll let you know... and you're much much more likely to get a good grouse recipe from a conservative than a libtard anyway, and you know it.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
You guys ever do LSD ?

Why, do you have some extra you're trying to sell? Remember to give Dave his $10.00. cool

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

GLS #338218 09/16/13 07:59 AM
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Getting my boy ready for school this morning so don't really have time to respond except to say Keith, you didn't disappoint. Good morning reading with my coffee.

I thought it last night but you reminded me....J.R.B.'s response to my question was both hilarious and I think probably more representative of our readers here than the likelihood of someone reading and deciding they too must support the erosion of their 2cd amendment rights.

Hopefully jOe or John Cox or whatever his name is will stay out of this one. I think he has his hands full elsewhere but I did like your reminder of Dave and the $10

The occupants of my dream garage grow ever scarcer. The re-aquisition of favorites from my past (and for some reason the sweet spot of 1972) like a yellow Pantera, a red V12 E-type convertible, a black 240Z and others like my gold Camaro as described earlier or a Volvo 544 from 1963 are getting pushed aside by things like the cost of divorce and the love of old doubles. But those vehicles lurk in my mind much like jOe in the for sale section, and they won't go away. One day, I will have to act.

Have a great day all, and remember Keith, you long ago accomplished your goal with King. As far as others asking you to stop, for that is the essence of this thread, where did you get the idea life should be fair or even handed? Perhaps some of the posts here have not recognized the imbalance, are hypocritical in calling you out at this point but glossing over the sins of others. I'd suggest a big "So what?" That is because you clearly have the upper hand in the debate, if I can call it that, with King.

I go back to my Monty Python reference. Ride away and leave him flopping around on the ground. King, his ideas and his stories are no threat to anyone here (same holds true for the rest) or anything we believe in. Just because you can demolish his stories, his logic, his positions, doesn't mean you should EVERY TIME. Maybe just pick your favorite every couple of months to keep your hand in. I truly think that's what most of us are saying or thinking (Doug, Jim and Craig aside).

And finally, thanks to all for keeping it civil! HaHa!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia
GLS #338219 09/16/13 08:12 AM
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And speaking of somewhat outdated biological theories, Graham Cairns-Smith and his book The Seven Clues to the Origins of Life, had a big impact on my thinking when handed to me by a molecular biologist friend of mine in the late eighties.

I think we are all wondering, some with more certainty than others.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia
GLS #338222 09/16/13 08:28 AM
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I don't claim to be a victim. That's someone else in this thread. The point of this thread is to highlight bad behavior.
One man has been gang-tackled, piled on, then character mugged by one man who has ridiculed his life, career and used names both in and out of McSmearmaster's Lexicon of Insults and Perjoratives against him. This is his stock-in-trade with people with whom he has differences of opinions. As to NCA, his vd-daughter remarks where reprehensible, but then so were the remarks alleged against him by "guess who" about sexual orientation and HIV and Syphillis infected brain before the vd-daughter remarks were made. It is a fine game two can't play. I only ask that such despicable games not be played in this forum.

I still find it fundamentally unfair for an anonymous poster to mine the internet and then take pot shots at a man's career and character. This has been done by one man and we know who he is.

I don't care to engage in dialogue with this man or jump into his cesspool of character assassination. I want to avoid the smell of such confrontation because it goes against what I am trying to put an end to here.

And thank, you Jim for the excellent quote:
"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

John Stuart Mill Speech 1867

I got tired of looking on at the character assassination of King Brown and said something about it.

Gil Stacy, Savannah, Ga.

One "l" in Gil, no "e" in Stacy.

GLS #338224 09/16/13 08:36 AM
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Shall we all read from the first book of Barrak and chant.....OOOOHMMMMMMMM OHMMMMMMMMMMmmmm

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.
keith #338233 09/16/13 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted By: keith
This whole thread is pointed at me so just cut the crap.

Keith I had to erase about a thousand words from your post to get to the real point of it. Yup, its about you. Do you really believe that the 1,078 folks who've viewed this thread all support you other than the few who've posted? Think again!...Geo

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