At the risk of having to interact with the cabal, GLS thanks for pointing out that nasty insults were flying both ways before keith stepped into the VD. But save your efforts. I decided sometime after the food fight not to frequent the misfires in a self imposed exile because as you correctly put it, I said some nasty thing to keith that were unbecoming, and it was just getting worse. I've also got the kind personality that just feeds into these nonsensical conflicts for the sake of just tossing it back into the other guys face, which is immature and is not helped by the generally adversarial environment between Liberals and Conservatives on the Board. Time to move on so I'm out of it, and I'm sure I'm not missed, notwithstanding canvasback, who is just to nice of a guy to be otherwise. Now I only come here to look at a lost art & to see whats for sale and doing just that I have come to realize that the Misfires Forum really is not one of the central pillars of political discourse that the cabal mistakes it for. Now back to exile and the for sale forum...

Forum: a medium of discussion/expression of ideas.