Originally Posted By: Bilious Bob
Originally Posted By: treblig1958
He's right. You haven't added even one piece of information to this board on anything.

So, I ask, why are you here, to annoy us?


Simpletons like you and Teddy Bean are so easily annoyed...

Most arrogant pump gun dupes are.

(new information?)

And, easy is what you are all about. "Patches" wouldn't have it any other way now, would she old boy?

Do you remember the day your poor old Mom discovered her, in her basement, where you live? Egads, that was wretched.

Bad form becomes you, even in her eyes. Well, since then, anyway.

I actually want to thank you. I consider you the poster child for leftists everywhere, hiding anonomously behind their screen name and their keyboards, next to their inflatable soulmate, although she is hidden from your elderly mother. Wouldn't want to revisit that now would we?

Where would we be without you? Just as the King had his jester, we have our douchebag. I'm sure you are the envy of the board, along with old jOe, the idiot who proved for all to see he couldn't identify a screw grip. Or the other moron who recently asked if Gene Hill was still around, preceded by asking if boxlocks ever had intercepting sears.

(God am I so glad I didn't say that).

The yucks are so worth it.
