Unfortunately, the gun ban crowd and animal rights activists here in CA have finally discovered the well known tactic of divide and conquer. Now, with the political setting what it is in our state legislature it has become quite easy. We saw the ban of hound hunting which was a pretty easy argument to make to the uninformed. Those poor dogs are getting ripped to pieces by bears that are harassed to no end. Few hunters hound hunt so the fight was an easy one to pick. Lead was a much bigger battle which tells me that they have certainly been emboldened by their success. But, I have several friends that don't bird hunt much and simply stated, "I already use Barnes X bullets so it is no big deal to me." So again we have a chipping away of our base. As stated by Mr. Brown we already are down to less than 1% of the population that hunts and you can bet that this number will continue to decrease. I wonder what the next target will be? You can bet HSUS has one ready! When they are finished with CA they will be heading out to one of your states, not that they aren't a force in many of them already. Kind of a departure of the original topic but certainly connected.