Originally Posted By: SDH-MT
I've thought about this quite a bit Bill. The barrel is awfully small for a solid rib and it would have to be considerably scaled down from shotgun size.

Likewise the stock is very small and proportions would be tricky. The Owen Remington gives an idea of the challenge, the stock almost looks too big for the action. And, what to do with the tiny for end??

I would spend considerable time on paper before I made any decisions.

I've got a 61 and they are even more fun to shoot than a 39A. Both are stupid accurate at iron sight ranges.
All, IMO...
I agree, Steven. I own 3 Winchester M61 .22- one is a later .22Mag- all are original and with std open irons- a solid rib looks fine on a Model 12 pumpgun, but on a M61 just to add a base for a scope. If it were my M61, and it ain't- I'd leave it alone and buy a used Ruger M77 .22LR- I have one with a Leupold 6X scope in the Ruger rings, with a tuned trigger- and the tree rats run and hide for a week hand running when ever I bring that into the woods come a late October afternoon-

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..