Hello Bob:

It is great that you received your money! It is very clear to me as to what she was attempting.

As a young man, a child perhaps, one of the first lesson in Life was to NEVER underestimat another person! Despite what they may look like or how they sound, ther are some very smart people out there! This woman was a grifter and she was good! I doubt that this was the first time that she did something that was less than "honest,"

Do not try to fool everybody as there are people who are smarter than you. Case in point,I knew this chap who was very smart despite dropping out of school after the sixth grade. He talked with a slow halting Southern accent and I would hear him say," Now you all don't use them big words on me." All along, he was well in command of he situation. Lol He was great at playing the game!

Stay well,
