Originally Posted By: PM
....A department store advertises a TV online for 2500.00. But no one catches a mistake in the decimal point and the ad says 250.00. Over 5000 units are sold and some cks are cashed before someone looks into why so many units sold so fast. No units were sent out prior to them realizing their mistake, what is their obligation?

When it comes to widgets, it seems to go both ways. Most legitimate ads have disclaimers about typos. Then again, I can think of twice recently where airlines honored decimal misplaced prices for those who jumped on the apparent online deal before it was corrected.

This item may be regulated differently than the other examples, but I appreciate the buyer beware caution that DrBob was willing to walk through. There's probably already a behind the scenes buyer who doesn't mind much about courtesy, but if it's still to be sold, that buyer might appreciate the insight.