Originally Posted By: SDH-MT
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Originally Posted By: eightbore
Runs, Madis has been wrong before, and he is wrong on the solid ribs.
Strange, my "cyclopian "friend", but George Madis worked for WRA for over 30 years hand running, and to my way of thinking, he must know just a little bit more than either you or I do about Model 12's-- And the 20 gauge with the rib that was "circumcised"- no traces of silver solder, and the metal of the rib is solid, like a railroad rail. Go figure that!!~!

I'm with eightbore on this one and would love to see a pic of you detonated barrel section.
Stephen- I think you meant to write "Love to see a picture of YOUR detonated Barrel section". Ain't never gonna happen. I don't know you from the proverbial "Adam's off ox, so no explicit offense intended on my part in the following-- as you may well not know, or need to know, the "loggerheads" Mr. eightbore came to some time ago on the Pregnant Gophers Cornholing Association Gruppen- suffice it to say then- any "friend of my enemy becomes an enemy of mine" and we'll let it go at that, Sir.

I will give you the "semi-benefit of the doubt" and assume you are not directly implying that I am an liar, as Herr Murph Da Surf allegedly did regarding my possession of two 12 gauge high grade Parkers and a "Bogarted AH Fox HE Super-Fox, a few years ago. As I do not know you, I'll just write it off to your having a "Doubting Thomas syndrome" nand in balance, not a bad concept, if you agree, as I do, with the late POTUS Ronnie Reagan's-- "Trust is OK, but always cut the cards".

Are you a Winchester collector perhaps? I am, and I have studied them ever since I was in High School. Do you have a machinist or tool and die background, as I do, thanks to my late Grandfather, where I worked since age ten in his machine shop just off Canal St. in the Queen City. Do you perhaps know basic ferrous and non -ferrous welding, brazing and soldering techniques- as I do. I made my living welding to ASTM and API codes, and I know what both soft solder and silver solder look like as residual traces on heat treated AISI 4140 and later rust blued steel- do you???

Mr. Eightbore does know Parkers, I will surely grant him that- he has been collecting them since he was in the grade school years apparently. But Winchesters- both the Models 1912, M12 and M21-- are NOT "Carriage Bolted Hinged Pin doubleguns"-- and comparing the metallurgy of a SAE 1018 mild steel drop forged receiver that has been "double fitted" to the AISI 4130 drop forged and heat treated before final assembly of either a Model 12 or a Model 21 is not quite the same.

So, sorry to not be able fill your request Mr. Stephen, but you will see Hillary Clinton pick Monica Lewinski for her 2016 running mate before I will EVER post any picture of any gun or gun parts not only here, but on any Internet website. Too many unscrupulous "trolls" looking for information they have no legitimate need to know to take that chance. I hope you understand my position- sort of my bounce on the old Chinese proverb/curse/warning: "May you live in interesting times" RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..