Sorry for the tardy response but, yes, I definitely could live with sub-zero weather for most of one month with a 5 month bird season.

By the way, while noting that the winters in North Dakota, as well as many western states, get God Almighty cold, please don't think we bask in tropical weather during the winter in New England along the Connecticut River. I am no stranger to sub-zero weather. We get our dose here, and this past autumn and winter have dealt out more than a taste.

Please don't read any animosity in my post. There is NONE. Just envy.

I'm just mighty jealous of ALL the states that have longer hunting seasons than ours. It's just ridiculous to limit a bird season to 6 weeks, dontcha think?

Well, a possible answer is open to me. I guess I should start by getting a Vermont license. I believe their season is 3 months. A good friend of mine recently bought a 10 acre farm in the Northeast kingdom so now I'd even have a place to crash.