Originally Posted By: SDH-MT
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
Originally Posted By: SDH-MT
You miss spelled my name, twice...
Yes- common mistake if it were being spoken-- but as you misspelled
"miss spelled" let's call it even and start over. Your title mentions writer- gun related. The only gun related magazines I read are "The American Rifleman" (I'm a NRA life member) and Sports Afield- I am an avid rifleman, and enjoy both John Barness and USMC Colonel (Ret'd.) Craig Boddington articles. What publications in the sporting genre feature your articles, please?

Incredibly observant, like a fox with his head up his !ss, you failed to notice I've had a column titled "Custom Shop" in each issue of Sports Afield for the past 7 years… (miss spelled Barsness' name as well)
I believe the official name nick is "Fox With the Runs".
Yes, I owe you -if not an apology, then, as George Patton said (at Ike's orders) an "explanation"- But first, I have shot many many red and some grey fox over the past 30 some years or more- and how a fox could manage to get his "Kopf upf sind azle" as you suggested is a real puzzlement to me- the ain't designed for that, dead or alive--and most Foxes, whether Dog or Vixen, are mainly tail section-= part of their Winter warmth pattern. And by the by, I have the 1920's Lynn Bogue Hunt poster for Ithaca Guns, showing a red fox flushing a Rooster pheasant from a snowdrift- great stuff

There is, of course, another possible play on your "fox with his head up his/her ass" but as we got sidetracked with our spelling bee-pissing contest (my bad)lets us also consider the late Redd Foxx- from Sanford and Son TV sit-com-- a perfect picture of a Foxx with his haid upside his ass indeed.

Moving right along, I apologize for Not knowing that you are indeed on the masthead with regular articles in Sports Afield- I do not subscribe, I just buy the dated issues at Barnes & Noble that have articles that interest me- like Harry Selby's Rigby .416 BA rifle- and Colonel Boddington's (USMC Ret'd) fine articles on hunting in Africa and the Mid-East. Sorry I miss-spelled John Barsness- how do you properly pronounce his surname please? It is like " The Amish built first-rate BARNS?"

The main reason I went off on you, which is my fault, is I read more into your comment about "I have to side with eightbore on this" regarding his again doubting my veracity in an internet posting, as he has done on my "behalf" many times before this contretemps we are now discussing- hence my comment about "Your being the friend of my enemy also makes you my enemy"; that was a bit "over the top" and for that I apologize.

You write a fine column indeed in Sports Afield, your style is a bit like the Icon of the magazine, IMO anyway- Thomas McIntyre. I also enjoy reading Mr. Shane Mahoney's first class column on Conservation.

I only just recently realized there is some connection between this DoubleGunShop website and the quarterly and very pricy magazine- The Double Gun Journal- the only copy I ever bought was about 2 years ago- when both Gander Mountain and Barnes & Noble booksellers were selling single copies, with Barnes & Noble being about $2.00 less than the GM rack price. I bought the issue with the great article about Hemingway in Paris as the Germans were fleeing the "City of Lights"- and a fine looking Belgium doublegun he may have owned or shot.

Harry Selby, Phillip Percival, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Ruark, Capstick, Selous, et al-- as Bogie said so well "The stuff that dreams are made of" Not grammatically correct, but with Bogie- who had the good taste to shoot a 20 gauge Grade 1E "Elsie"-- A-Ok with me. Happy Trails--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..