Originally Posted By: Gary D.
I penned a rant about RWTF and his hyperbole (backed up by extensive chest thumping "bona fides") always turning otherwise collegial discussions into pissing matches, but deleted it in the interest of all. But then I couldn't resist...
I'm glad you didn't. I never attended college, went right from HS into the USMC--I follwoed the example set by both my grandfather and father- master a skilled trade and work for an honest living- I was one of the few code certified welders in my time who held two Journeyman skilled trade cards (UAW and AFL-CIO) worked long hours and mastered TIG, MIG and of course SMAW welding in all positions, and yes, I am damn proud of that- and when some friggin "willie off the pickle boat" here posts some BS thread about welding and he obviously doesn't know his arse from his left elbow, you can damn well betcha I will "chime in" to prevent the dude asking the question from getting wrong information and messing up something due to that-- if that is "chest thumping" or hyperbole, then %$#@-it- and Now cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war- MF'r!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..