Not all factory Smith single triggers are the post 1903 "Hunter One Trigger". Only the final evolution is the One Trigger and is always marked Hunter One Trigger. The H.O.T. is usually (and mistakenly) credited to golf enthusiast Allen Lard. I am of the opinion that Thorneley deserves the lions share of credit for the HOT. Lards patents faded into obscurity, while Thorneley's contribution went on to effect nearly every successful single trigger design to this day. I have three single trigger Smiths and all work well without any balking or doubling. Usually when someone complains about the woes of single triggers, the very next words out of thier mouth is "do you want to sell it?"...May I suggest that you keep your Smith original and leave the single trigger intact. There is only one other design of single trigger mechanism found on Smiths that is better than the factory Thorneley/Lard HOTs and that the KING of all single trigger mechanisms...the venerable Infallable Trigger. It was an after market trigger produced by Lancaster Arms (Lancaster Pa.) and patented by Alfred Worrest. And yes, the Infallable is also based on Thorneley's design.