Originally Posted By: Lloyd3
I've got to look that one up (never heard of it before). My research has narrowed it down to German shorthair or pudelpointer, but the jury is still out on the actual hypoallergenic factor on these two breeds. I'm mildly concerned about keeping such high-energy dogs around the house, but I'm still early into the research. I'd rather not get a "big going" dog, so something that stays close is still the goal. Don't want to bump too many ruffies! If pointers won't work, then maybe a hunting poodle?

I have a GSP. She is 13 going on 14 this year. I have often heard the "high-energy" tag applied to the breed. This usually comes from folks who get them as pets and do not hunt. From my experience, once a GSP learns to hunt they understand their place in the world. I also can not stress enough that a GSP, actually every dog, needs a good foundation with obedience training. When she got to be 5, she was something to behold in the field. She had figured out how to use the wild and could sweep a field looking for quail or pheasant. Today, she mostly sleeps, but when I her take to hunt, she still puts out the effort.

I do appreciate your quest for a good companion. Hope you find the right dog, no matter what breed...
