My F.T. Baker has the manufacturing date engraved in a ribbon on the sides of its Anson and Deeley action in Roman Numeral scrip; and the only time I've had the opportunituy to use what I was taught in grade school regarding Roman Numerals was ehen I deciphered the date on this gun, 1883. It's a beautifully engraved (100% fine scroll) light weith straight grip 12-bore with a forend release as depicted on the abovbe example. Although I've bagged more game with this double than any other I've ever owned (was the only double I owned for several years during my hunting prime); the safety on this piece also cost me lots of chances. It has a sliding safety on the left-side cheek face, which is not a bad location at all; but to take the gun "off safe" requires the slide be pulled (not pushed) back towards the shooter, a totally un-natural reaction for me when jump shooting game. Have no idea why the safety device on this gun was designed in that manner; and I've not seen another.