Gary, thank you for posting ...

Michael died this morning at the Providence Medical Center in Anchorage after fighting cancer throughout most of last year. It came back very aggressively this year. He went to the hospital last Tuesday for a stent, somewhat routine procedure, but he developed an infection. He had a lot of very complicated things happening in his body but he passed peacefully.

He was a great researcher and author of several columns in magazines as well as his two volume books on the Custom American Gunmakers. For any of you that had the opportunity to view his collection in person, it was incredible. Not just the firearms and accessories themselves, but the stories behind each gun. There was no such thing as coming over for 20mins ...

Michael will be greatly missed by many friends and families and is survived by his wife and daughter Charity.

No word on services yet ...

Respectfully ...
Joe Dobrzynski
Anchorage, Alaska