I usually drink water during the course of a day hunting. After the guns are put away, my buddies and I will have a beer on the tailgate before setting off for home.
There is never more than one beer per person in the cooler. I don't drink hard liquor, and, oddly, none of my hunting buddies do either. My Father wasn't a teetotaler, but, he might as well have been-I remember him having about 4 beers over the course of his life, never before, during or after hunting or shooting, however. My Father's passing did teach me that I have very few hunting partners, something I wasn't conscious of when he was alive.
I witnessed things going way wrong in an alcohol fueled fashion at a shoot at a local club in my youth (that club doesn't exist anymore) and have pretty much sworn them off.
An old girlfriend gave me a ceramic hip flask, many years ago, that remains unused.
The thought was nice. I simply have no use for it.
