Originally Posted By: Condor
This whole thread is ridiculous....drinking and firearms do not mix...legally and by common street sense...the stories and traditions , here and in the UK mean nothing. "This guy was my buddy, we did this, and we did that...yada, yada, yada.."..all attempts at justifying this and that, ...splitting hairs.....this guy can hold his own ....he fishes shitfaced....in most states if you drink even after you have shot at a club or in the field, and get stopped..( especially with a shotgun in the car), and get a DUI, they will come and take your guns away from you.....the statement about Prohibitionist being back is an idiotic statement.....yawn....the initial post has nice items though. ....I guess " real men" can shoot while under the influence....there is no shortage of "real men " on this forum...

Getting a DUI is a bad thing. Took my son 2 of them to learn his lesson. But at least in Iowa, 2nd offense DUI does not lead to a loss of your gun rights. That takes 3, becomes a felony, and you also lose your voting rights. But I don't think many states take away gun rights after the FIRST DUI.