I too have been attending Deep River (aka The Southern) since it's inception. Their course sucks. Period. It's my money, my time, and I'll spend it as I see fit. I can't understand why Cherry Bomb has to cast dispersions on people for wanting to do a little side shooting. On that "collector" site he refers to, behavior like this is never seen, nor tolerated. I shoot the challenge event and the hammergun event as does Rich A. and Eis and a number of other shooters who will be at Drake. The Southern is all about the Parker/LC challenge. Without it Deep River would be just another sporting clays shoot. If Bill K. wants our business, then he needs to improve the course. For you naysayers, comraderie is not limited to events at Deep River. At Drake,we are overloaded with it. CB and John R, you are welcome to join us if you think you can handle the stigma of enjoying yourself somewhere other than Deep River. Noone is trying to make some kind of protest statement John, we just like to shoot more than you do.