Tim and John: The main problem here in the US is that we have a schizophrenia about alcohol. The 21st amendment does not establish any national standard. Any sort of actual appreciation education on the subject is blocked by the prohibitionists. Public discourse on any issue in the US is now heavily censored, the 'zero tolerance' idiots have sway, and the phrase 'alcohol was involved' when discussing an accident is used like alcohol has a mind of it's own.

Yet, advertising revenue mostly from crap like Bud Lite and Coors keeps the sports programs on TV. The various government entities tax both the ingredients and the products, and then they tax the tax. They depend on the revenue. Kids are bombarded with images of people having fun drinking limp American beer and then told the stuff is evil. We have a 'government warning' on the containers because our government is so concerned about us. They accept the tax though.

The DUI racket is big business. 'Wretches hang so jurymen may dine' has never been more true than with the DUI scam. I drive better at .08% than a lot of what I see on the road stone sober, especially the over 80 crowd who have their licenses renewed automatically by mail, the teenagers, and the soccer moms on their telephones. But heaven forbid anything bad happens even when someone else is at fault and I blow .08%. Then I'm a criminal.

We are out of our collective mind here about alcohol.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble