Up Yours, Condor-- You can research all my postings and replies on this site since Day One- and for every one that contains my so-called "Vietnam Heroics" I will kiss your sorry Bostonian Mick sad ass in Brooks Brothers downtown front window in frickin' Beantown. Then you can "Paaark Da Carr in Da Harvaard Yaard" if you like--

You don't read well do you??- when I mentioned Advanced Armorer's School in Quantico, numbnutz- that ain't in Vietnam. Last time I checked, it was still in Virginia. I served in the USMC from 1960 to 1972, when I was Honorably Discharged with the rank of E-6, and had two MOS- 0311 basic rifleman, and 2112- Armorer.

I never talk about Vietnam, or my two best friends who died "In Country" and I do not belong to either your American Legion or the Veterans of Foreign Wars- when I was discharged, either one of those fine Veterans Organizations were not really thrilled to recognize Vietnam Veterans as being Veterans, just the World War Two and Korean Vets - I do on occasion, go as a guest to an area Legion Post to have a few drinks and shoot pool- but do not join, even though now I could.

There are all kinds of websites I understand that will enable you to check out any man's claimed Military Service- You are most welcome to check mine out- No Purple Heart, no Bronze or Silver Stars, I would NEVER dishonor those who have earned any of all of such, as some the of the "wannabees" seem to do. One think that might guide you here- the fact that I legally changed my last name to what it is here in 1973, at my fiancee's request prior to our marriage. Go figure!!

My "sturm and drang" with Mr. Murphy most likely started when I joined as a "rookie" and made the mistake of posting that I had inherited 2 12 gauge high grade Parker double-guns from my late Grandfather- Murphy insisted that I post photos and give out the serial numbers, apparently part of the ritual on his Fiefdom Forum for carriage bolted double shotguns. I refused, and he openly questioned my veracity, sort of a "put up or shut up" challenge- which is so close to calling me a liar that you could spit at the difference and not get wet if you were standing downwind-

I have never forgiven him for that insult, even though I have since sold one of the 2 Parkers he holds "in question" privately, to a non-PGCA member who lives in Washington- As to other members of that group, some I am still in contact with. And that speaks to your BS comment about my fluency in other languages besides English. One solid friend from my membership in the PGCA is Angel Cruz- we have had many e-mail chats, and if memory serves, a few phone calls, and chat equally well both in Spanish as well as English- you are free to contact him at your leisure and verify our friendship.

I grew up in The Queen City, and like Milwaukee WI and Germantown (both in PA and MD) and St. Louis MO- there is a large resident population of people of Germanic heritage- My Grandmother's housekeeper- Frau Schimmel- taught all of us German, and I also had both German and Spanish in HS- as well as Latin in Catholic Grade School- Now I am studying Italian with a Rosetta Stone program--I bought mine at a Barnes & Noble bookstore- I did not know they were available on Google.

There is something about you Eastern Coast folks- you are way ruder than us Midwestern types, with of course, some exceptions. I have already commented on Murphy's knowledge of the carriage bolted shotguns- BUT- that does NOT mean he knows it all- no man can- and my replies on this thread were to advise others with Model 12's NOT to follow his half-vast suggestions as to bending the shank to alter the buttstock fit. I will put my knowledge of machine shop, welding and basic gunsmithing that involves mechanics against anyone that I have yet seen post on this Forum site, especially concerning the "Perfect Repeater"--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..