I waited until the mud dried up to post.

People are lousy shots.

That's OK with me.

Just go to a marsh at dawn. Pow, Pow, Pow,.....Pow, Pow, Pow.....Pow, Pow, Pow,....over and over again. Until the first flight is over.

The go to the woods.
Pow, Pow,.....Pow, Pow,.... over and over, all day. Sometimes it's Pow, Pow, Pow,...

I can't see how anyone that is actually out there observing the public would see/hear anything different.

The public hunter is in aggregate, a lousy shot.

That's OK by me.

It's probably always been so.

Except for wealthy retirees, the likelihood of people devoting ten's of thousands of dollars into improving their skills, is such a statistical vagary as to be insignificant.

As in, for every 1 person that might do that, there is 100 that can't do that. But they can buy a license.

I don't even care what chokes you use. You'll be disposing of your own birds. Blown to pieces, or neck wrung.

Some of us maintain kennels just so that all the lousy shots can have their cripples rounded up. It's the good fun more that the first shot kill % for some of us.
I don't care if my hunting friends are good shots or not. It's about the fun we are having being out there.

Out there doing it best I can.