You have anything of substance to contribute, Doug . . . or just more of the usual BS?

Something I find really funny: Gun writers usually take a hit because, after all, everyone KNOWS we're in cahoots with the gunmakers, and all we do in our articles is pimp for them. Then someone like me, or Bruce Buck (who also made reference to the heavy trigger pulls on some of the early S&W sxs) tells it like it is. Then what happens? The guys who've bought those guns get all defensive . . . like there's nothing to the heavy trigger pull stuff. Well, my gauge doesn't lie. Have you put a gauge on yours, Doug? Put a gauge on other DT Dickinsons out there? The fact that MOST of the trigger complaints may relate to the ST guns doesn't do much to help the poor guy who buys a DT gun with 8 pound plus pulls, does it? And since I found 3 out of 3 (ALL DT and ALL with heavy pulls) at just one Cabela's store, I doubt that I found all of them.

You ought to be permanently relegated to misfires. A misfire is what happens when you go off half-cocked . . . which probably has more than one meaning in your case.