Originally Posted By: PA24


I know you are a master machinist and you have your own large machine shop and talk with intelligent customers every day. I have seen your work and it is impeccable to say the least.

You are wasting your breath when you address Motor Mouth L. Brown. He always has to have the last word as Stan and many others have noted on this board and other boards....his posts have little substance and just ramble on and on relating b.s. that he has read or heard from someone else.

Look at it this way J.R., as an example, to engage in conversation with this motor mouth is like trying to talk about cars/trucks or hot rods with someone who doesn't even know how to change a flat tire..............end of story.

So Doug . . . if you're a famous gun builder, then surely you can give us a more OBJECTIVE definition--as in an actual, measured trigger pull--for those Dickinson triggers you very SUBJECTIVELY define as "fine". Or don't you have a trigger pull gauge? Time to put up and contribute something of real substance to a discussion of Turkish triggers.

By the way . . . I spent my HS and college years working in a REAL service station. Change a flat tire? I repaired hundreds of them. Not that that makes me a "car builder" . . .