I made absolutely no comparsion to the 1oz/1150FPS/9KPSI to a 1oz/1000FPS/6.5KPSI load. Quite obviously that load would be still easier on the wood than the load I stated.
I in fact stated that 1oz/1150FPS/9KPSI was easier on the wood than a 1oz/1250FPS/7KPSI load which it is in spite of the later load having a lower PSI.
Indeed I stated to use the same factors used for calculating Recoil when considering the wood, PSI is not one of the factors of Recoil.
Indeed PSI is necessary to cause the movement of the load down the barrel, but the amount of weight moved & the speed at which it is moved are the factors of recoil. We too often get hung up on pressure as being "Only" the peak pressure. If you accelerate 1oz of shot out the muzzle to 1150FPS you have done a given amount of Work, irregardless of the peak pressure of the load. If you compared the Average pressure (Area under the pressure curve) over the entire length of the barrel of two loads moving the same amount of shot to the same speed you would find them for all practical purposes identical, even though they may have a widely varying Peak Pressure.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra