I thought I replied last night but it appears the post went astray over the Airwaves somewhere. Actually I Fail to see any point at all in a comparison of shotgun barrels to electrons Traveling down Around the perimeter of a wire. My limited research in this field does indicate that is how they travel, rather than "Through" the wires.
As to the curve in the barrels, I have offered Drawings from the L C Smith Company showing their barrels were straight & set to a predetermined convergence. The drawing cited was for 30" barrel. I further showed that if the same spacings were used for a 26" barrel then their "Static" points of impact would be changed by only 2˝" or 1Ľ" per barrel. Consider that if exactly identical loads are fired from each set of barrel ie 30" & 26". Now I do believe we are agreed that the gun is moving as the shot travels down the barrel, thus compensating for the Crossed axis in the static position. While admittedly the time of travel down the mores is extremely small I Do surely believe you would agree that barrel time in the 26" set is less than that in the 30" set.Now Here is some "Speculation' on my part. I speculate that slightly greater convergence of the shorter barrels is a necessity to compensate for the lesser barrel time of its load. How's that for Speculation??
Now further I have stated that I have measured several barrels & found them to have a simpe straight convergence. Yes I worked off the OD's & I am fully aware that bores could in fact not be perfectly concentric. However I did this checking upon acquiring that L C Smith book & wondered just how my guns compared to the Smith specs. Well every one I measured showed a convergence of between .011" to .012" per inch of length. Perfect Match to Smith (.0113") specs though none of them were built by Smith. I did then give them the "EYE" test by looking down the bores & could detect no noticeable bend. Now I fully realize you have "Greatly Insulted" my Intelligence to be able to do this with any reliability, but with 35+ years as a Machinist I developed a pretty good eye for looking at a lot of things.
I will say one more time, to date you have offered Nothing "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" but "PURE SPECULATION" to defend you position, while I have consistently offered Facts. I can with certainty tell you not a Single double gun I own has curved barrels set with the curves Back to Back, they are simply as straight as possible to make them & set Converged.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra