I broke mine in a motorcycle accident and, common to most people with this injury, the ends knitted out of line, mainly because it can not be splinted. This has given me a pronounced knob just inboard of my shoulder pocket which doesn't like guns recoiling against it.

I managed to break both my collarbones - and had to endure those godawful figure 8 braces. Guess I got lucky with the knit though, recoil doesn't bother it.


We tend to imagine the shoulder pocket with the arm hanging down while in fact when shooting most peoples trigger arm is lifted to about 40-60 deg. This opens out the bottom of the shoulder pocket, easily accommodating a wide toe.

I am not sure if I understand this. Bringing your right arm up and forward as part of the gunmount creates a cup that (to my eye at least) seems to reduce the size of the shoulder pocket.

Would the enlarged toe help provide recoil relief to a woman shooter, perhaps? I understand that woman shooters sometimes need excessive cast on the toe to avoid having it dig into their chest. Perhaps this was a different approach to that problem.

Last edited by Doverham; 05/14/14 01:07 PM.

Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there.