many years ago talked with a well known dealer at a GunShow in Nashville TN. Asked if he had any Lefevers, he said he had one at his business, but not at the show with him. He said it was a 20 ga Syracuse built Lefever boxlock. I questioned him to be certain it was not an Ithaca built Lefever & he assured me "NO" it was built in Syracuse. That could have only been a D M Lefever, Right. Sent him a copy of an FFL & payment, dealer was supposed to call me when it arrived. After waiting what I thought was sufficient time I called him & he said Yes, its been here a few days. When I got there to pick it up it was not a Lefever of any kind but was a 20ga Syracuse Arms Co Grade A ejector. It was in fact worth what I had paid for it, but not what I bought. I called to return it & he said my trial period was PAST. He told me how long he had been dealing guns & He Knew a Lefever When he Saw one even if it didn't say Lefever anywhere on it. I kept it for awhile, eventually traded it off but lost absolutely all respect for that dealer.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra