Answer: do what I do when I see a topic that I don't like or does not interest me. I don't read it.

Here's the rules for topics which belong in Misfires:

"Misfires @ - All topics that do not belong in one of the other forums can be placed here: Politics, Gun Rights, Hunting Dogs, Non-Fine Firearms, Non-Firearms etc."

Nothing about renting a car in Italy or sightseeing in Stockholm. But I suppose no one would whine if you asked about those things there. I suppose if you were sightseeing in Stockholm, you might see Obama on his European tour making excuses for trading 5 Taliban war criminals for 1 deserter because we don't leave any U.S. soldiers behind... nevermind about those 4 Navy Seals and an Ambassador he left behind to die in Benghazi... but that would be a topic for Misfires too. Oops! Pardon my faux pas.

Question: Who else thinks what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and Humpty Dumpty's whining belongs in Misfires?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.