Originally Posted By: Alvin Linden
Originally Posted By: Wild Skies
Originally Posted By: Rockdoc
Y'all are forgetting that AL's complaint is the misleading description and photo's that have been tinkered with to give a false view of the gun. I'm pretty forgiving, but I'd be PO'd for the same reasons, the gun was misrepresented and he was lied too!

Have we seen pics of the gun as received to back up his accusations?

No, I don't have photos and I don't need photos. Anybody with a scintilla of common sense, would know I am GETTING NOTHING out of spending my time, typing about paying good money and getting an inferior product. That is, except to warn others of the POTENTIAL PITFALLS IN BIDDING WITH THIS COMPANY. It is entirely up to you, what you do with this "accusation". I'm not asking anyone here to be a finder of fact, a judge or jury, I WAS SIMPLY TRYING TO DO EVERYONE A SOLID AND WARN THEM...NOTHING MORE...NOTHING LESS! If you believe I made this all up, and the gun I received is in fact mint, go ahead and buy that dream [fill in the blank] you've always wanted, for $25,000 from Carol Watson Auction. I HOPE IT TURNS OUT BETTER FOR YOU THAN IT DID FOR ME! The moral of this blog is, no good deed, goes unpunished. I will end this with the words, of old English barristers. "The affiant sayeth further not"

Ah the English! To paraphrase the immortal Bard, another Englishman, “The man doth protest too much, methinks…”

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)