Originally Posted By: eightbore
We are members of the revolutionary right, whether you know it or not. We are under no obligation to respect either the person or the office of president. Our president is intent on destroying our country, our economy, and our way of life. In addition, he is a flaming racist and has no place in our society. Please get off this "respect the office" podium. The last two democrat presidents have made a mockery of the office, have used it to enrich themselves and destroy the American way of life and morality. No respect here.

I'll agree with 99% of this. The only thing I disagree with is the idea that we of the right are revolutionary. The Revolution was fought and won in 1776. It resulted in the greatest nation on earth. It is the overt and covert revolution of the Left which is going on right now and it's literally destroying the U.S.

We have a Federal government which was illegally running guns to Mexican Drug Cartels. The Mideast is coming apart at the seams and a trillion dollar investment in Iraq is going down the toilet as Obama takes yet another fundraising and golfing vacation in Palm Springs, Putin has gotten the "flexibility" which Obama promised in his open microphone gaff. Welfare and food stamp spending are at all time record levels. Money from our defense and space programs are being diverted to wealth redistribution and Socialist programs. Over thirty million are still uninsured after ObamaCare and costs have risen. The lower and middle classes have fallen further and faster. The taxpayers are paying for a U.S Border Patrol and I.C.E. that has its' hands tied by Obama as millions of illegals and illegal drugs pour into our virtually open southern border. The I.R.S. just "lost" all of Lois Lerner's e-mails which were subpoenaed by Congress investigating the illegal targeting of conservative groups. In addition, he has targeted the energy and coal industry, and law abiding gun owners.

Respect is earned, not automatically conferred. ed, would you respect the president if he was a pedophile or murderer? It could be argued that murderers and pedophiles don't do as much long term damage as Obama has done. It looks like some of his willing accomplices now want this thread moved to Misfires! When all else fails--- try censorship! I wouldn't be surprised if some of the closet anti-gun Obama supporters we have here aren't responsible for the Spam attacks that Dave Weber has been working on.

Vote Gun Rights in 2014! Join the NRA or buy a $25.00 gift membership for a kid you know. Thanks!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.