Originally Posted By: eightbore
You forgot "racial bigots". This thread is not finished. It is getting more to the root of our political problems than any thread before.
One can be, in our free American society- a racist but NOT a bigot, and vice versa, strange as it may seem---this is a contretemps peculiar to both our English language and culture, to wit: A person may well be a racist because of his/her inbred hatred of a race different than his, but unless he/she acts upon that inbred hatred against that said race (Negro/African American or Indian/Native American for example, as by joining the KKK or the skinheads , he/she is not a bigot-- However, one can be a bigot and NOT a racist at the same time, again, to wit: a person who is an Anti-Semite is a bigot, but NOT a racist, because those who profess the Jewish Faith (Semites)are not members of any racial group. I have discussed this conundrum many times with my good friend from my USMC years, Lennie Teitlebaum, who still lives in Da Bronx, and like me, is a devout Yankees fan--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..