Originally Posted By: ed good
....as to damage of receivers due to recoloring, so far I have yet to have a complaint regarding a damaged receiver, regardless of the method utilized....

Excellent point, why all the drivel about high heat damage.

Sure it's generally about the appearance. For me, I would tend to 1) leave it alone 2) try to have it redone period/maker correct, or 3) well done bone pack colors, 4) torch colors, for me why bother. Doesn't add any material property enhancement, and doesn't look right. Bad lip stick, generally on a pig, I suppose very well does look better to some folks.

There're some really nice cyanide colors, but not my general preference. To my eye, pack coloring well done with one of the endless bone recipes is the cats meow. Like a broken record, not a one peep about over heating anything. I think you hit some price point bling appeal.

Maybe, try putting up a gun for sale at the price that includes the margin for torching. Someone may appreciate it for being unmolested and you stick more cash in your pocket. You could always torch it later and relist it, if needed.