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Peruta's "good cause" is like New Jersey's "justifiable need".

But note.

The Ninth Circuit could take Peruta en banc and reverse the 2-1 panel.

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this may have been posted before on this long thread

but it bears repeating

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here is the video-your right bears repeating.

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We will not go quietly into the night

NRA Chief: ‘We are on Our Own, That Is a Certainty’

PJ Media, by Bridget Johnson

National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference today that he sees a changing America with eroding freedoms in which people will need to assert the right “to protect our families with all the rifles, handguns and shotguns we want.”

LaPierre noted that this time last year pundits were “calling me about every nasty name in the book” for putting forth a plan for armed responders in schools in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

The NRA leader didn’t specifically address the gun-control legislative efforts that have since fizzled in Congress, but said “freedom has never needed our defense more than now.”

“You know it in your gut; something in our country has gone wrong,” LaPierre said, listing “core values” that are “eroding” from the “freedom to work, to practice our religion, raise families the way we see fit.”

“We are on our own, that is a certainty.”

“They’re laying the groundwork to put another Clinton back in the White House,” the NRA chief said, and have an ultimate goal to “fundamentally transform America into an America you won’t recognize.”

“The NRA will not go quietly into the night; we will fight, I promise you that.”

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CT Governor Dannel Malloy to Gun Owners: “Your Side Lost,” Get Over It

Tim Brown 7 hours ago


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As Connecticut is in the midst of a very serious situation regarding guns and gun registration, Governor Dannel Malloy attended a town meeting this week to address constituents at John Barry Elementary School in Meriden, Connecticut. During that event, a pro-gun citizen, who has opposed the legislation signed into law by Malloy, which requires gun owners to register their semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines or be considered felons, asked how Malloy could push legislation that is against law abiding gun owners while abolishing the death penalty and offered early release for violent criminals. Malloy's answer was not to point to the State Constitution, but to point to the people's desire to "feel safe." In that respect, he told the questioner that the legislation regarding gun registration had gone through each branch of government and "your side lost." In essence, Malloy said, "Get over it."

Malloy told a constituent who asked about the constitutionality of the gun registration law, "One court has already decided… courts are where the constitutionality of these things are decided."

"You've thrown that term around," Malloy said with a smirk, speaking of the term "constitutional." "It's gone to the court, and guess what? You lost."

Video provided courtesy of Palin Smith

The governor attempted to equate driver's licenses, background checks to get on an airplane, and background checks to obtain a gun with the right to keep and bear arms, which is explicit in the Connecticut State Constitution (Article 1, Section 15). I appeal to that since I believe the Second Amendment is specific to the federal government.

However, there are no caveats here. The Connecticut constitution is clear that people have that right and that nothing has to be done, as far as government is concerned, to exercise that right. Would that not include mandatory gun registration?

He then spoke about the people acting in a republican form of government decided the matter. While the people most definitely determined their elected officials, those officials are not to go against what is clear in their own constitution, and they are not to create ex post facto laws, such as the gun registration legislation which is at the heart of the debate. The fact that Malloy claims, "the legislature decided you could keep it" ought to be just as disturbing in this matter. Since when does the government in the United States determine whether or not you can keep your property? Do you get the implications? Malloy thinks the state grants you your rights, not God.

While the claim is true that those who purchased a weapon that was identified in the new legislation could keep their guns, the additional measure of registering it becomes a point of controversy. As I pointed out in a prior article, Branford Police Officer Joseph Peterson made it clear why registration was necessary: "So they know who's got them (sic) that's what the purpose is (sic)."

The only reason to want to know who owns those particular guns, is for later confiscation, nothing more.

Malloy then puts the blame for the law on the citizens, stating that they thought it best to make them safe. The question should be asked of Malloy, how does gun registration make anyone safe, seeing that no criminal will register their guns? Just how does that work? The truth is, it doesn't.

The questions posed were, "Since you've been governor, how could you abolish the death sentence in Connecticut, making it a 'killer's paradise," create a program that allows violent offenders the ability to get out of prison early, letting them run free on the streets with citizens before their time; cutting funding by hundreds of millions of dollars, with at least $25 million of that being taken away from mental health programs; such programs could identify and prevent another Sandy Hook and Adam Lanza? So by coddling and rewarding prisoners, you have turned around your wrath to the legal gun owners of the state, not realizing that legal gun owners could be the ones that could actually stop the next mass murder, since no one commits a serious crime with a police officer standing there. So how do you respond to this total turn around, as well as unconstitutional laws against law abiding gun owners while skirting around the real issues of the heinous crimes that were committed in this state?"

Malloy, attempting to belittle the man posing the questions, said, "I think you have a view," and added that sometimes those views "don't reflect reality."

He then erected a strawman, by claiming that the man's question and statement indicated that Connecticut's crime rate is higher in 2014 than it was in 2010. Of course, that was not the point of the man's question to Governor Malloy.

However, Malloy did toss out some "statistics" regarding his claim. He then made the bold proclamation, "Connecticut is safer today than it has been in 46 years. We've had fewer crimes committed in Connecticut in 2013 than we did going back 46 years, but actually when you adjust it for rate of crime, it goes back even further than that."

Malloy claims the state population was 600,000 46 years ago. OK, stop right there. This is the first lie from Malloy. He isn't even in the ballpark on this one. According to CensusScope, the total population for Connecticut in 1960, eight years prior to Malloy's claim, was 2,535,234. In 1970, just two years following Malloy's claim, the population had grown to 3,032,217.

Malloy continues to mischaracterize the man's question by stating that if he believed his statement, there "must be a plethora of murders taking place in our state."

The governor then goes on to claim, "Murders, for only the fourth time in forty years, were below 100 people."

According to murder statistics for the "Constitution State," Connecticut has seen murders under 100 on three occasions from 1974 to 2012. I don't have 2013 statistics to verify, but the Courant agrees with Malloy's claim that 2013 saw the number of murders under 100 (they cite 97). That would make this claim true.

However, that is the only year in the Malloy administration that has taken place. In fact, when you look at national average of violent crime and murder, you can see a drop almost across the board, but the question must be asked, "What are those declining rates attributed to? Are they attributed to legislation or more citizens being armed?" That is another topic for sure, so I suggest reading the real numbers on the issue here.

When taking into account Malloy's claim about 2013, keep in mind that the prior year saw what took place at Sandy Hook. The total number of murders was 146, up 17 from 2011 when Malloy took office. Now keep in mind that immediately following Sandy Hook, there was a run on guns and ammunition, so much so that shelves were emptied. This was brought on by the Obama administration pushing for more unconstitutional restrictions on guns and the State of Connecticut doing the same, even amidst opposition, including parents of those that attended Sandy Hook. If you are a thinking person in this, you would have to come to the conclusion that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens were what brought the murder rate down, not legislation and not Governor Malloy.

Malloy erected the strawman that if he believed the questions posed to him, it would lead him to believe violent offenders are doing less time in prison. That isn't even the issue. He makes comparisons to other administrations and how they have dealt with sentencing. The question posed was how could he do it? How could he release violent criminals onto the streets before their time was up?

What Malloy doesn't address is the fact that New Haven, Connecticut is listed as number 8 on a 2012 FBI report describing violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. And the state's capital city of Hartford is consistently above the national average in regards to violent crime. In 2012 it was three times higher than the national average.

Yet, Malloy claims that the people are "safer" under his administration and says the statistics back that up. Again, why are they safer? Is it because of his administration or the people arming themselves? I'll let you be the judge.

Instead of actually answering the questions posed to him, Malloy seems to be doing nothing more than a song and dance, deflecting from the real questions and honest answers that should have been given. His answers, in my opinion, are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

Governor Malloy attempted to claim that suicide attempts were more likely to be successful in a home that had guns. I don't doubt that, but it is irrelevant to the issue. Will Governor Malloy be giving up his guns or the guns of those that provide security to him at his home, because one day he might get suicidal? I'm guessing not.

Malloy's claim about strengthening laws about keeping guns under lock and key are worthless as well. I don't mind the sentiment that if you have multiple weapons that they are stored properly, especially if little ones are in your home. However, for it to be mandated by the state, does not then make it a reality. Second, a locked up gun is of no use when you are in need of it.

Finally, the issue of mental health came up. I've told you from day one, when conservatives came out pushing the entire "mental health" issue regarding guns, that it was a mistake, and they fell right in the trap that was laid for them. You are now giving government the ability to define who is and who is not mentally healthy enough to possess a gun. Many of our veterans, who fought to preserve liberty, the same liberty we speak of to keep and bear arms, are having their guns taken from them due to the ridiculous push for government to interject itself into the issue of mental health.

Malloy is right about one thing, when it comes to this law, the side of liberty lost. Now, it appears liberty lovers are demanding a best 2 out of 3. We'll see what happens in 2014 as a floundering Malloy will be going up against gubernatorial candidate Joe Visconti.

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Attorney General Eric Holder sees a day where gun owners wear bracelets that communicate with the gun, allowing only the gun owner to use the weapon.

Holder told a House appropriations committee that the Department of Justice has spoken with technology experts who are exploring ways to restrict the use of guns to their legal owners, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

"By making [guns safer] either through fingerprint identification, the gun talks to a bracelet or something that you might wear, how guns can be used only by the person who is lawfully in possession of the weapon," Holder reportedly said Friday. "It's those kinds of things that I think we want to try to explore so that we can make sure that people have the ability to enjoy their Second Amendment rights, but at the same time decreasing the misuse of weapons that lead to the kinds of things that we see on a daily basis."

Fox News reports the Justice Department has requested $382.1 million in increased spending for gun safety for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. That would include $2 million for gun safety technology grants.

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EPA, FBI raids USA Brass in Bozeman Montana

Hannity Forum -- Thanks for the heads up Eric

Seems our liberal agenda is now full steam ahead to kill anyone's business it is to keep brass and shooting your firearms available to the general public. As the Media is being stonewalled by the EPA and the FBI, information about the warrant used is sealed. However information is getting out from the employees and there are some really bizarre behaviors by the feds in this case. Below is a letter from Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association:
Dear MSSA Friends,

Most of you will be aware that armed employees of the EPA and FBI recently conducted an armed raid on a company in Bozeman that recycles used cartridge brass.

Several months ago, OSHA visited the business, USA Brass, because of allegations of workplace safety issues, notably lead dust in the air from tumbling fired brass (the lead dust would be from primers). There were two employees who had lead levels above what is acceptable. As a result, USA Brass invested a lot of money in expensive air filtration and ventilation equipment, and upgraded employee training and practices. As a result, USA Brass passed a subsequent inspection by OSHA.

I'm told, USA Brass managers didn't kneel quickly enough to OSHA inspectors and offended them by not being subserviently cooperative. So, the subsequent raid by EPA, FBI and others was conducted to teach them a lesson about federal power and proper cooperation.

Many, if not all, of the federal employees were visibly armed. Upon arrival, the federal employees forced all the employees into a room or rooms where they were isolated and held for hours. The employees cell phones were confiscated so they could have no communication out of the building. The feds disabled all of the security cameras in the building so there would be no video record of the federal deeds or misdeeds. (There is no reasonable excuse for that.)

The feds confiscated and took away all laptop computers and external hard drives, and copied all desktop hard drives, including USA Brass's contact information for 10,000 customers.

I see this as a Montana version of what's happening in Nevada. (It’s slightly different in that Nevada involves unconstitutionally possessed lands by unconstitutional bureaucracies; and, of course, there is no armed stand-off in Montana. What’s happening in Montana is more like what was done to Gibson Guitars. There, you may recall, armed fed’l bureaucrats held employees hostage while they seized wood used to make guitars, computers, etc., purportedly because the wood was obtained in violation of some regulation out of India that the government of India was not the least bit interested in prosecuting. It took years, but Gibson eventually got the wood back; apology is still forthcoming. Unlike Gibson though, and like Bundy, this one involves 2nd Amendment rights. So let’s call it a hybrid.)
What I find odd is the disabling of the security systems recording functions. What illegal behavior was it they intended to hide? This all after a compliance inspection from OSHA to see if they had indeed corrected the work place safety issues, which they passed.

This has the appearance of scorched earth policies by this administration of beat one to death and the rest will fall in line.

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Operation Choke Point: Yet another scandal!

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The Militarization of a civilian force goes on. One of Obama's pledges back in 2008 was to create a civilian force egual to the existing military forces of the United States. Here's a piece of his plan that's happening right now.

For the next five years, the TSA will be given 4.8 million rounds of .357 “duty ammunition” each year, totaling 24,000,000 rounds over the life of the contract.

The TSA has already pushed controversial programs like x-ray body scanners that produced accurate images of a person’s naked body… and now it looks like they’re going to follow through on their threat to arm agents as they’ve discussed in the past.

As Infowars noted:

Although Federal Air Marshals acting under the jurisdiction of the TSA are currently armed, other indications, such as the hiring of shooting ranges near airports, suggest the federal government could be preparing to arm some TSA workers. There are only 4,000 Federal Air Marshals currently operating in the United States, a figure that doesn’t appear to match with the 4.8 million rounds a year the TSA is set to purchase under this solicitation alone.

The armament of the TSA appears to be yet another brick in the wall of tyranny as the government continues to transform the American republic into a totalitarian police state.

There are currently more than 40 armed federal agencies that have been granted the privilege of being armed with machine guns and hollow point ammunition.

Recent news revealed both the USDA and the USPS had solicited submachine guns and millions of rounds of ammo. The purpose of these planned acquisitions is still unknown.

Keep in mind, the TSA serves as an arm of the already-militarized DHS, so it’s unlikely the TSA’s newly acquired “duty ammunition” will go unused.

Naturally, the TSA will argue the 24,000,000 rounds of ammo will be used for the protection of air travelers — even as it’s beginning to look like the DHS is attempting to establish a permanent paramilitary force of its own here on U.S. soil.

We’ve already seen countless signs of increased militarization as local police departments acquire military-grade vehicles and helicopters.

And as politicians like Harry Reid begin to use federal agencies for their own personal gain, the purchase orders for billions of rounds of ammunition for “no good reason” are starting to make sense.

The TSA states the 24 million rounds of ammunition are for “DHS component locations nationwide.”

Last edited by italiansxs; 06/06/14 12:45 PM.

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