Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: KY Jon
The state is happy to tax you and you are happy to think your voluntary tax is a game you can and will win. After all no one buys a ticket hoping they loose.

Jon, while I am under no illusions about the "voluntary tax", I will point out that I know personally three different lottery jackpot winners up here in Canada. The prizes won ranged between 3 million and 11 million and were all won between 1989 and 2003. And as was pointed out, these are non taxed lump sums up here. Not a payment a year for 20 years that then is taxed, as it is in the US.

I know a gent that won 11 million in 2002. He is back to work, hauling cars around the country, and has pretty much nothing to show for the fact that he was a lottery winner.

I thought this case was a rare state of affairs, but, it is almost the norm after a big jackpot winning.

Did I mention I never play?
