I started this thread based on my opinion that King Brown has, at least for the last year-and-a-half, been an anti-gun troll operating as a gun guy on a Double Gun forum. I posted direct quotes from King that I feel support this notion.

However, the discussion has been dominated for the last several pages by ed, who is simply dense and stupid beyond belief.

ed, you keep asking who I am. You ask if I am ISIS? What the hell is that supposed to mean? If I post my full name, address, e-mail, phone number, and GPS coordinates... what difference will it make?

You keep bringing up the NFA of 1934. We have discussed that at length in other threads. It strictly regulates certain weapons, but it also permits law abiding citizens to pay a tax, pass a backround check, and own and shoot full-automatic weapons. So what? I know a guy who had a fully functional Japanese anti-aircraft gun and ammunition in his garage. He lived close to an International Airport, but he never shot down a 747. He was not a criminal, so he was not a problem. Some people may fear that just as some people fear semi-automatics or even revolvers and single shot .22s. I fear what Libtards are doing to this country. Can we ban them, deport them, or imprison them because I fear their actions? They really are a problem. They kill unborn babies and parole violent criminals. They take my hard earned money in ever higher taxes, and redistribute it to lazy people. They spend money we don't have. And they permit illegal aliens to violate federal law without repercussions. They break a lot more laws than 99.9% of gun owners. Can we take away their liberties ed?

Just last week, you were endorsing going back to a time when the borders of the U.S. were wide open with no immigration policy. I asked you if you were suggesting that we go back to a time of no nation and no laws, which of course would include your precious NFA of 1934. You gave no answer. You see a problem with law abiding gun owners who own and shoot certain guns that you don't like and that some people fear, yet you see no problem with millions of people breaking the law, crossing illegally into our country, stealing work, evading taxes, stealing goods and services from taxpayers, etc. How stupid can you get?

You constantly remind us that you read books. You ask us if we read. Yet you cannot read with comprehension. You are wasting your time reading. You are functionally illiterate. You do not understand what you read. You are a total dumb-ass.

Jim, Mike, myself, and others have taken the time to provide references to the writings of the Founders. There are The Federalist Papers, contemporary editorials, letters, personal correspondance, and books written by the Founders that explain what their intent was when they wrote the Constitution and the Amendments...including the Second Amendment. This is what Constitutional scholars use to interpret original intent. This is what Supreme Court Justices are SUPPOSED to use to interpret original intent. You and King and Leftist Liberal Judges who legislate from the bench totally ignore and/or subvert the original intent and look for twisted meanings and loopholes to support your own personal biases and agendas. This is a violation of a sworn oath taken by judges, and both ignorant and dishonest on the part of you and King.

I almost always agree with Mike. He thinks you are baiting and trolling us. I respectfully disagree. I think you are too dumb to do that. You act like an autistic child.

You lecture us about keeping your threads on topic. Either get back on topic or start your own idiotic thread about the NFA of 1934 and your own anti-gun behavior. This thread is about the anti-gun/anti-Second Amendment/ anti-NRA activities of another anti-gun troll.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.