Originally Posted By: ed good
....that seems to do it. but, it don't clearly define what the unorganized militia consists of...so that is left to interpretation in the context of a "well regulated militia"....

....too bad, it don't say somewhere that the militia also consists of citizen civilians, who are not necessarily well regulated. you know, like guys like me.

Maybe we could cut to your chase, let's just call a well regulated militia, criminals. 'Sep for the will to enforce, does that make you 'feel' better.

Don't worry to much if you'd rather feel more regulated, I'm sure more is to come. Are you comfortable though being lumped in with criminals, isn't it a crime to use firearms illegally. Hey, there's a thought, stage some buses at malls so after they get shot up, the shooters can dropped off at the next mall with a note pinned to their shirt saying that they should show up for their hearing in six months.