Originally Posted By: ed good

1. agreed semi autos are here to stay. but must we have so many of them? perhaps when enough of them are misused, like when full autos were in the early thirties, then there will be similar federal restrictions on some semis as well?

2. agreed, full autos are here too stay and hopefully will continue to be regulated and restricted.

3. restriction and regulation of firearms results when government at all levels deem it necessary to protect the general welfare. if the people disagree, then those laws and rulings will be repealed of left to expire. the federal assault rifle ban is a classic example. however, some states have passed their own ban. that is their right.

4. those may be that facts, but others still feel better with some restriction on some firearms. it is their right to cause their representatives to pass laws and rulings that make them feel better about almost everything. its about respecting the rights of others. if you do not then lobby for change.

5. I have never attacked the second amendment.

You say you have never attacked the Second Amendment... re-read the first four points you made here dimwit. Everyone of them is or would be an infringement upon the Second Amendment. The change you speak of lobbying for would have to be either a repeal or change to the Second Amendment. Anything else is an infringement on our existing rights. The infringements we have now came to be because of people like you and King Brown. You are promoting the weakening of our rights... one step at a time. That's like saying an attack on New Hampshire is not an attack on the United States.

Tell your buddy King that the topic of this thread is his anti-Second Amendment/anti-NRA proclivities. We don't care what his preferences in shotguns or .22's are.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.