Originally Posted By: Robert Chambers
In case you can't see what I am trying to do, I will spell it out for you... I am going to raise the bar...I am going to offer REAL data about double shotguns...I am going offer material that can be saved for future cross referencing...when the read only members arrive, I want them to bolster their files with files and photos that can't be found in most libraries...I am going to point out model variations and internal mechanisms 'til their files begin to split into new catagories...If a young collector shows up with a Smith that has the only known set of Hurst ejectors, I plan to see to it that he knows...take a look at the carefully constructed posts by Miller or researcher or eightbore and many others, do you think that kind of data came FREE to these guys...they're giving blood...

As one who values the willingness of fellow firearms enthusiasts' to share precious and valuable information that is acquired at considerable costs in terms of both correct and wrong guns bought (real world tuition), libraries paid for out of limited resources, out of print books purchased at 100 times their original cost, and endless hours collecting data, Mr. Chambers I second your thoughts and extend my gratitude for your eloquent expression of that sentiment (I just rated you a 5 star in appreciation of that sentiment).

Pride in knowledge, engaging in knowledge wrestling matches in order to show one's superiority, embitters what would otherwise be sweet. It costs nothing to be kind or helpful to another in need and the rewards are typically immense and immediate (found within).

As stated by a previous poster here, I agree everyone here has been very tolerant of my inquiries, 100% responsive and the valuable information I have found here could not have been so quickly obtained anywhere else.

The information available here fuels interest in our hobby and such information, like the tides lifts all boats in the harbor, elevates all of us.
