Thanks Steven for sharing the link. The download went well and I did own both of those books until a few years ago when I gave my copies to a young man who wanted to learn about gunsmithing. It was a good move for me and him.
As to making these sights, about the last thing I can think of that I would want to go into business doing is making sights (however taking up the gunsmithing trade in general ranks right up there smile )
The problem is what would you make and for which gun, definitely not 1903's they are along with the 98's are obsolete for anything other then the connoisseur custom rifle builders. Maybe M70's but that's iffy also. Remington 700's....not on your life. Ruger...the next good rifle they make will be their first (IMHO).
If I make one it will be one and only one and for one of my M70 rifles only. I do not copy someone else's blueprint. Its not about making stuff for me its all about design.

Last edited by LRF; 07/31/14 05:25 PM.